Property Legal Services

A team of property specialists and lawyers in Spain, will provide you with important property legal services. They will assist you with the conveyancing of property title without legal issues.

The normal conveyancing service includes the following:

1. Complete all necessary searches on the legal status of the property and the developer/vendor, informing the buyer/s of any issues discovered that may influence the decision or conditions of the purchase.

2. Liaise and agree with vendor/s and/or lawyers in respect of terms and conditions of the purchase, ensuring compliance with current laws. In the event that the vendors are non-resident in Spain, a lawyer ensures that any amount paid prior to completion is lodged safely with a resident party, preferably the vendor's lawyer's account.

3. Make preparations at the Notary Public for completion of the purchase or any further preparations required relating to the purchase such as preparation of powers of attorney for individuals abroad (duly legalised and translated) which give authority to a physical person/s to act on behalf of the buyers.

4. Assist in the completion process and ensure title deeds are properly registered in the appropriate local Land Registry, and that the property(ies) is free from all charges and encumbrances, free from occupants and tenants, as well as payment of the relevant taxes associated with the purchase.

5. Assist in locating, negotiating and obtaining a mortgage loan to finance the purchase of the property. The obtaining of the mortgage loan may be in the form of an approval in principle prior to the signing of the private purchase contract and is understood without prejudice to any other mortgage facility provided by the developer or the vendor.

6. Obtain the NIE (Número de Identificación de Extranjeros), or foreigners identification number. (Read below for more information about NIE Numbers)

A NIE number is required when you:

Buy or sell a property in Spain
Apply for a business permit
Apply for a mortgage or any other type of loan. In general, this identification number will be requested from any financial entity you want to have dealings with
Open a bank account
Pay your taxes
Inherit assets in Spain
Apply for a driving license in Spain, apply for an international driving license, and to validate driving licenses issued in EU and non-EU countries within Spain
Carry out many other transactions in Spain

What the NIE Number application service includes

Filling out of application forms
Submitting of applications with the required documents in the corresponding National Police Station
Collection of the certificates when ready
Forwarding of the document to the client by registered post